出生年份:1993年 性别:男
E-mail:[email protected]
2012.09-2016.06 广西大学,安全工程专业,学士
2016.09-2021.06 中国科学技术大学,安全科学与工程,博士
2019.11-2020.11 美国伍斯特理工学院(WPI),消防工程系,联合培养博士
2021.7-至今 中国地质大学(武汉),百家乐平台推荐 ,特任副教授,博士后(合作教授:倪晓阳)
[1] Bo. Li, Huaxian. Wan, Zihe. Gao, Jie. Ji*. Experimental study on the characteristics of flame merging and tilt angle from twin propane burners under cross wind. Energy. 174 (2019) 1200-1209.
[2] Bo. Li, Huaxian. Wan, Long. Ding, Jie. Ji*. Predicting radiative heat fluxes fromtwo buoyant turbulent diffusion flames from burning propane under cross wind. Proceedings of the Combustion Institute. 38 (2021)4897–4906.
[3] Bo. Li, Long. Ding, Albert. Simeoni, Jie. Ji*, Huaxian. Wan, Longxing Yu. Numerical Investigation of the flow characteristics around two tandem propane fires in a windy environment. Fuel. 286(2021)119344.
[4] Shaohua Mao, Shishan Liu, Songyang Yu, Bo Li*. Experimental investigation of the burning characteristics of aviation fuel under atmospheric cross wind conditions. Fuel.332(2023)125981.
[5] Bo. Li, Fanliang Ge, Jie Ji*. Experimental study on interaction mechanism on the mass burning rate in two n-heptane fires with cross wind. Fire Safety Journal.134(2022)103676.
[6] Shaohua Mao, Zhen Mao, Bo Li*,Wenjie Hao. Experimental study on behaviors of flame spread over aviation kerosene under forced airflow. Process Safety and Environmental Protection. 168 (2022) 768–777.
[7] Bo Li, Michael A. Delichatsios*, Jie Ji*, Albert Simeoni. Experimental and theoretical study of combustion and aerothermodynamic effects on the flame structure from wind-driven rectangular fires. Fire Safety Journal.134(2023)103734.
[8] Jie. Ji*, Bo. Li, Huaxian. Wan, Long. Ding, Zihe. Gao. Gas temperature rise and flame length induced by two buoyancy-controlled propane burners aligned parallel to the cross wind. International Journal of Thermal Sciences 152 (2020) 106295.
[9] 毛少华,郝文杰,王锴,李博*. 环境风作用下船舶甲板庚烷油池火下游温度分布特性. 安全与环境工程, 2023.
[10] 李国春,谢连科,刘国强,李博*,王春辉. 电力系统中真型220KV变压器火灾危险性评估.安全与环境工程, 2022.
国际燃烧协会会员;中国消防协会会员;美国消防工程师会员;国家自然科学基金评议专家;Fuel、 Process Safety and Environmental Protection、Fire safety journal、《安全与环境工程》、《中国安全科学学报》等期刊审稿人。