Email:[email protected],QQ:398121493
2009.09-2014.09,浙江大学建筑百家乐平台推荐 土木工程系,岩土工程,博士
2017.07-至今,中国地质大学(武汉)百家乐平台推荐 ,副教授
1. Fubin Tu, Yuyong Jiao, Zongwu Chen, et al. Stress continuity in DEM-FEM multiscale coupling based on the generalized bridging domain method [J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2020, 83: 220-236.
2. Fubin Tu*, Yuyong Jiao*, Xiaoyong Zhou, et al. The implementation of B-splines to Hashin and Shtrikman variational principle based FFT method for the homogenization of composite [J]. International Journal of Solids and Structures, 2020, 191-192: 133-145.
3. Jisen Shi, Daosheng Ling, Chengbao Hu, Fubin Tu. Study on reverse fault rupture propagation through sand with inclined ground surface[J]. Engineering Geology, 2020, 276: 105768.
4. Fubin Tu, Dorian Delbergue, Thierry Klotz, et al. Discrete element-periodic cell coupling model and investigations on Shot stream expansion, Almen intensities and target materials [J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2018, 145: 353-366.
5. Chengxiang Lin, Fubin Tu, Daosheng Ling, et al. FEM-DEM coupled modeling of cone penetration tests in lunar soil[J]. Journal of Central South University, 2018, 25(2): 392-405.
6. Zongwu Chen, Yuyong Jiao, Shaopeng Wu, Fubin Tu. Moisture-induced damage resistance of asphalt mixture entirely composed of gneiss and steel slag[J]. Construction and Building Materials, 2018, 177: 332-341.
7. Fubin Tu, Daosheng Ling, Chengbao Hu, et al. DEM-FEM analysis of soil failure process via the separate edge coupling method [J]. International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics, 2017, 41: 1157-1181.
8. Fubin Tu, Dorian Delbergue, Hongyan Miao, et al. A sequential DEM-FEM coupling method for shot peening simulation [J]. Surface and Coatings Technology, 2017, 319: 200-212.
9. Fubin Tu, Daosheng Ling, Lingfang Bu, et al. Generalized bridging domain method for coupling finite elements with discrete elements [J]. Computer Methods in Applied Mechanics and Engineering, 2014, 276: 509-533.
10. Daosheng Ling, Lingfang Bu, Fubin Tu, et al. A finite element method with mesh-separation based approximation technique and its application in modeling crack propagation with adaptive mesh refinement [J]. International Journal for Numerical Methods in Engineering, 2014, 99(7): 487-521.
11. 凌道盛, 卜令方, 涂福彬. 粘聚裂纹扩展的强化有限元h型网格自适应[J]. 计算力学学报, 2014, 31(2): 241-247.
12. 涂福彬, 卜令方, 凌道盛. 基于多尺度方法的带颗粒阻尼悬臂梁自由振动半解析分析[J]. 振动与冲击, 2013, 32(16): 134-139.
13. 凌道盛, 涂福彬, 卜令方. 基于黏聚区域模型的边坡渐进破坏过程强化有限元分析[J]. 岩土工程学报, 2012, 34(8): 1387-1393.
1.离散元-有限元并发型多尺度耦合分析软件V1.0 (2020SR0770895).